Purely Inspired

Embracing Sustainable Wellness Goals: A Fresh Start Beyond New Year Resolutions

January 31st, 2024

Embracing Sustainable Wellness Goals: A Fresh Start Beyond New Year Resolutions

As the holiday season ended, many were drawn to the idea of a fresh start. Each January, gym memberships rise, grocery carts fill with healthy food options, and social media buzzes with declarations of new health goals and cute sayings like “New Year, New Me”. However, this initial enthusiasm often wanes after a few weeks and sometimes only a few days. Let's explore why. First, let’s be clear, it's not uncommon for the fervor of New Year's resolutions to wane quickly. If you found yourself in this situation, there’s nothing wrong with you!  

One big reason is that the goals are too vague or too big. Saying "I'm going to get healthy" is a great start, but without a clear, step-by-step plan, it's easy to get lost. Another reason is that we often rely too much on willpower. We think we can power through with sheer determination, but everyone has a limit and life often gets in the way.

Our daily routines and habits are deeply ingrained. Changing these behaviors requires more than just a calendar flip or a popular social media post; it requires a strategic, thoughtful approach. Many health-related goals, like weight loss or improved fitness, take time to show results. In our current culture where instant gratification is the norm, this delayed gratification can lead to frustration and abandonment of goals really quick.

Before going further, it's crucial to recognize that there's nothing wrong with aspiring to enhance nutrition, fitness, and overall health in the new year. The "fresh-start effect," where goals align with a time-related milestone like the start of a new year, is a valid and inspiring concept, but I encourage and celebrate health goals at any time of the year. Here are some tips and strategies to help you achieve lasting success and well-being beyond the typical New Year's resolutions, at any point throughout the year.

Rethinking Diet-Focused Resolutions

Maintaining health and happiness requires a shift in perspective. Rather than setting temporary, challenging commitments for yourself, aim to cultivate lifelong habits. This involves reframing your goals not as a matter of success or failure but as an opportunity for learning, growth, and long-term improvement. Adopting this mindset enables you to recover from setbacks and modify your goals accordingly. The focus should be on implementing enduring changes rather than quick ones that fizz out fast.

  1. Ditch the Waiting Game: There's no physiological reason to wait for a specific date to prioritize your health. Start making positive choices right now – whether it's adopting a slower eating pace, choosing whole foods, or stopping when you're full.
  2. Unmasking Unhealthy Motivations: Examine the motivations behind your health goals. Ensure they originate from self-love, empowerment, and a vision of future health, rather than succumbing to societal pressures or guilt about your current health status.
  3. Realism Trumps Rigidity: Diet-focused goals often fall prey to being unrealistic and unattainable, leading to disappointment and guilt. Recognize that the issue lies with the goals themselves, not with you. Unrealistic goals may even contribute to the harmful cycle of yo-yo dieting and worsened well-being.

A Better Way to Set Health Goals

When it comes to health goals, being realistic means choosing goals that fit into your life and that you have the resources to achieve. Ask yourself: Is this goal doable for me right now? Does it match my current lifestyle and abilities? To make your goals achievable, break them down into smaller steps. Instead of a broad goal like "get fit," think about specific actions, like walking for 30 minutes three times a week. Consider your daily routine, responsibilities, and even the things you enjoy doing. Your goals should feel challenging but not overwhelming.

  1. Flexibility is Key: Research suggests that flexible goals lead to greater well-being. Embrace setbacks with equanimity and adjust your goals as needed. This adaptability fosters a sense of autonomy and resilience.
  2. Ditch the All-or-Nothing Approach: Goal tenacity, or persistent rigidity, can be harmful. Be open to adjusting your approach when obstacles arise. The ability to adapt not only aids goal achievement but also promotes overall well-being.
  3. Focus on Positive Outcomes: Set goals that concentrate on positive outcomes rather than avoidance. Approach-oriented goals, such as aiming to get fitter and stronger, are more likely to be successful and contribute to your overall well-being.
  4. Enlist Support: Social support plays a crucial role in goal achievement. Whether it's a friend, family member, or coach/trainer, having someone by your side can positively impact your journey.

Examples of Better Health Goals

  1. Snack smarter: Opt for fruit and nuts as snacks a few times a week instead of processed snacks. Small changes like these can have a significant impact on your health over time.
  2. Choose water over sugary drinks: Stay hydrated by choosing water over sugary drinks a couple of times a day. It's a simple yet effective way to improve your overall health.
  3. Practice Mindful Eating: Slow down, savor your meals, and practice mindful eating at least once a day. This approach not only enhances your enjoyment of food but also helps prevent overindulgence.
  4. Listen to Your Body: Prioritize self-love, self-care, and kindness. Remember that achieving health goals doesn't define your worth. Be kind to yourself, regardless of challenges or setbacks.

Adding a Dash of Simple Fitness Goals

You don't have to join a gym to be more active. Look for opportunities to move your body more in your regular daily life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or have a 'walking meeting' instead of sitting in a conference room. Find activities you enjoy. Whether it's dancing, gardening, or playing with your kids or grandkids, if you enjoy it, you're more likely to keep doing it. If you need the accountability, find a certified coach or trainer to help you stay on track.

  1. Daily Walks: Aim for a 15-20-minute walk each day. It's a low-impact exercise that does wonders for your physical and mental well-being.
  2. Bodyweight Exercises: Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups into your weekly routine. No fancy equipment needed!
  3. Stretching Sessions: Allocate time for stretching at least three times a week. It improves flexibility and reduces the risk of injury.
  4. Stay Active at Work: Sneak in moments of activity during your workday. Take the stairs, do desk stretches, or even a quick lap around the office.
  5. Mindful Movement: Engage in activities that you enjoy, whether it's dancing, biking, or playing a sport. Making fitness fun increases the likelihood of sticking to your routine.

Final Thoughts from My Heart

Starting a health journey to reach your goals is a real game-changer for making yourself look and feel better. It's all about being flexible, staying positive, and getting support to build habits that last longer than the usual New Year's resolution hype. Every day is a chance to recommit to being a healthier and happier you.

If you're looking for assistance in setting yourself up for success in wellness-focused goals, I'm here to support you. As a Certified Health Coach, Fitness Instructor, and Nutrition Advisor, I can provide guidance to help you achieve and maintain health goals that are both attainable and sustainable. Schedule a FREE 45-minute consultation to explore how my programs and services can contribute to your journey.

Would you like to take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle, but don’t know where to begin? Check out the 7-Day Healthy Habits Kickstart 

Jennifer is a Christ-follower, Certified Health Coach, Fitness Instructor, and Nutrition Advisor at Pure Lifestyle Wellness, where FAITH, FITNESS, and NUTRTION collide to bring WHOLENESS with God as the foundation.